Gastric Bypass Surgery

My weight loss journey after Gastric Bypass surgery.

Monday, March 22, 2010

NFL Coach Has Weight Loss Surgery

More and more celebrities are pushing weight loss surgery in the limelight by have the procedure themselves but I was still pretty surprised to hear New York Jets coach Rex Ryan had lap band surgery. I guess the surprise has more to do with his profession, I mean he does coach professional athletes for a living! Of course alot of stigmas have changed for men in sports since Jenny Craig started using famous sports figures on their commericals to show weight loss results!

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  • At 4:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Per my own personal experience I feel Lap band surgery is perfectly safe. I went through this surgery and expert doctors working with Oband centers are terrific. They are the people you can rely on for your obesity problem.

  • At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The surprise is that he is still so fat. Ryan is the worst spokesperson for weight-loss surgery because he looks like it doesn't work.

    Plus, he coaches the Jets.


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